Sunday, August 16, 2009

Waiting for ... (10)

This week everything went smoothly. Happy guests, lovely food and - once again - long evenings.
As they say 'no news is good news' - which is of course not always the case. As no particular events are to be reported we present some pictures to show the quietness and beauty of the site - for what they are worth.

harvest of one day of our garden :

some pictures around the house :

summer sight of the house taken from Bélaye :

full moon and lightning over Bélaye

the earth in times of dryness :

a classic in the kitchen : very well known but always refreshing : melon with dried ham

Oh yes, I almost forgot : there was an unexpected going out on Friday night to a blues concert at Fages. Lovely "dancing in the streets" (thanks to Faustine).