Sunday, December 20, 2009

Winter time


This week was all but quiet. All of a sudden the municipality of Prayssac found a second breath and started works around the house to dig in the electric wires. Although in the end it will be a nice thing to be done this wasn't a nice surprise at this time of the year.
Because of that a trip to Belgium was cancelled and the Christmas festivities that were planned were celebrated without me.
Next time I'm gonna write to Father Christmas: I prefer not to have presents at all than such kind of presents.

Moreover they couldn't progress as they wanted as contrary to the weather forecasts it snowed in Prayssac. Yes, indeed. You don't believe it? See for yourself.
First it drizzled on Monday but then in the night of Wednesday some ten centimetres of snow fell and it is still there. A nice change.

We from Mas de l'Houvande wish you all a very nice and white Christmas.


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